
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Dried Scallops And Oysters Porridge

Dried Scallops And Oysters Porridge

250g rice, washed & drained
200g chicken meat
5 dried scallops
100g dried oysters, soaked & cut into pieces
3 liters water
5 slides ginger
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp salt

3 stalks spring onions, chopped

Method :
1.) Mix the rice with sesame oil and leave it for 30 minutes.
2.) Pour the water into the sauce pot, add in rice, dried scallops, dried oysters and ginger.
3.) Bring to boil and add in chicken meat.
4.) Continue boil for 15 minutes and remove the chicken meat from the sauce pot.
5.) Shred the chicken meat and mix back into the sauce pot.
6.) Continue boil until rice turn into porridge.
7.) Add in salt and stir well.
8.) To serve, scoop porridge into a bowl. Garnish with spring onion and dash of pepper.

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